
Sand Painting Hands-on Workshop
本工作坊將由藝術家鄭穎示範沙畫的技法, 而你將在特製的燈光沙畫台親身體驗沙畫創作的過程。
以手為畫筆, 享受沙子流動的魅力,讓每一粒沙子都講述你的故事。
沙落/樂人生 A Sand Painting Performance
Embark on an artistic journey at the Shaw Auditorium with renowned local sand painting artist, Hoi Chiu, presented by the Media Technology and Publishing Center.
Experience the magic of storytelling through art as Hoi Chiu weaves his life and inspirations into mesmerizing sand paintings, along with a screening of his award-winning sand animation film. Enriched by music of HKUST graduate, Ng Siu Fung, this event promises a fusion of creativity and emotion. Reserve your spot now.
Stay tuned for our upcoming hands-on sand painting workshop following this incredible performance

Copper Etching Workshop
現代版畫是指運用傳統印刷的技術所創作的藝術作品, 以展現富質感的精緻線條, 常用於印製藏書票或紀念紙幣。 本版畫工作坊將由版畫藝術家帶領大家探索凹版印刷技藝, 使用銅版蝕刻的技法製作專屬的銅版畫。
每位參與者將完成一件獨一無二, 并附以精美包裝的個人作品 。本工作坊將以粵語進行, 亦可提供英文摘要。須預付按金港幣$50,出席活動後將會獲全數退還。
Printmaking are widely used as a technique to reproduce images. Intaglio or etchings are one of those early printing methods which celebrates the finest details of line. Through this workshop we are going to explore how an intaglio print was done.
Each participant will complete a unique personal work to express their creativity by making a copper etching. This workshop will be conducted in Cantonese with English summaries provided for support.
A deposit of HKD $50 is required in advance, and it will be fully refunded after attending the event
Creative Media Zone Orientation Tour 2024
Discover a world of creative possibilities at MTPC's Creative Media Zone! We offer a range of exceptional services designed to enhance your projects and bring your ideas to life, including:
• AV Equipment Loan
• Studio for photography and video
• Sound-proof audio recording
• Laser cut & 3D Print
• Photo print & Thesis binding
Join our orientation tour to unlock your creative potential and take advantage of our exceptional services!
The image shown in this promotional material is AI-generated concept art only.

CREATE & BIND - Book Binding Workshop
Discover the art of French-style book binding with artist Cheung Tsz-ki and MTPC. This engaging workshop offers an opportunity to the traditional technique of book binding while personalizing your own unique hardback book.
Additionally, enjoy a demo session showcasing various Printshop facilities at MTPC.

Join Our Exciting 360° VIDEO SCREENING & WORKSHOP!
Immerse yourself in stunning 360° videos of mountain climbing, HKUST campus tour, and beyond. Get an exclusive introduction to Apple Vision Pro, taking your VR adventure to new heights!


動。想像 - 本地原創動畫放映及座談會
Imagination in motion – Hong Kong Animation Screening and Post-screening Talk

AI Generative Art Workshop
Creating with Prompt: The Possibilities of Generative AI Art in design
To explore the exciting development of AI generative art, especially its implications in the creative process of art and design, a workshop on "Creating with Prompt: The possibilities of Generative AI Art in design" was recently organized by the Creative Media Zone of MTPC. The workshop introduced and demonstrated a number of most popular tools for creating AI generative art. It also highlighted the potential for AI generative art to be used in a variety of applications, from web design to packaging, and from product design to architecture.

Artist Workshop
聽山錄水@Shaw Auditorium
環境錄音師AK將分享近年製作聲音地圖的經驗,並引導大家重新感受聲音的魅力,於Shaw Auditorium把其聲音作品選段放大,讓參加者開闊耳朵,細心聆聽大自然的四季變化。
Sound changes over the time and space. Observe with ears and experience the mixture of changes and calmness in nature scenery.
The field recordist AK will share his experience of curating local sound map, technique of sound recording and present his artwork with the new sound system of Shaw Auditorium.

Artist Workshop
360° Painting with Tilt Brush
Create art from a new perspective and discover more possibilities!
CMZ has invited local Visual Artist - Angelie Man to share her experience of using Tilt Brush to create HKUST virtual campus and the potential of VR painting technology in the future.
While the artist brings her imagination into life, The audience can eyewitness the creation on artist’s canvas together.

Laser Cut Workshop
Get inspire, design and create in CMZ Makerspace
Your creativity can be present in multi-dimensional. CMZ providing fundamental training for laser cutting / engraving and 3D printing, and a collaborative working space to support creative learning of machines, tools and software.