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現代版畫是指運用傳統印刷的技術所創作的藝術作品, 以展現富質感的精緻線條, 常用於印製藏書票或紀念紙幣。 本版畫工作坊將由版畫藝術家帶領大家探索凹版印刷技藝, 使用銅版蝕刻的技法製作專屬的銅版畫。每位參與者將完成一件獨一無二, 并附以精美包裝的個人作品 。 Printmaking are widely used as a technique to reproduce images. Intaglio or etchings are one of those early printing methods which celebrates the finest details of line. Through this workshop we are going to explore how an intaglio print was done. Each participant will complete a unique personal work to express their creativity by making a copper etching.  Read more
Discover a world of creative possibilities at MTPC's Creative Media Zone! We offer a range of exceptional services designed to enhance your projects and bring your ideas to life, including:

• AV Equipment Loan
• Studio for photography and video
• Sound-proof audio recording
• Laser cut & 3D Print
• Photo print & Thesis binding

Join our orientation tour to unlock your creative potential and take advantage of our exceptional services! Read more
Immerse yourself in stunning 360° videos of mountain climbing, HKUST campus tour, and beyond. Get an exclusive introduction to Apple Vision Pro, taking your VR adventure to new heights! Read more
Discover the art of French-style book binding with artist Cheung Tsz-ki and MTPC. This engaging workshop offers an opportunity to the traditional technique of book binding while personalizing your own unique hardback book. Additionally, enjoy a demo session showcasing various Printshop facilities at MTPC. Read more
對動畫製作有興趣,想製作出自己的定格動畫但無從入手? CMZ舉辦是次工作坊讓參加者可透過手機軟件輕鬆入門,了解如何創作出屬於自己的定格動畫。 Read more
媒體科技日新月異,為配合生成式AI浪潮,MTPC 特別舉辦是次工作坊,讓大家一同探索人工智能技術如何結合動態影像發揮無限創意力!透過示範使用AI平台,參加者可了解如何自己動手創作出獨一無二的動態影像。 Read more
HKUST Info Day 2023: Motion Imagination with AI Technology Read more
"以創意連繫想像,用動畫敘述生活" 香港科技大學媒體科技及出版中心從「動畫支援計劃」中精選6套不同風格之本地原創動畫,為大家呈現一場精彩嘅動畫放映會,讓你置身動畫世界,感受港產動畫嘅魅力! Read more
Discover a world of creative possibilities at MTPC's Creative Media Zone! We offer a range of exceptional services designed to enhance your projects and bring your ideas to life, including:

• AV Equipment Loan
• Studio for photography and video
• Sound-proof audio recording
• Laser cut & 3D Print
• Photo print & Thesis binding

Join our orientation tour to unlock your creative potential and take advantage of our exceptional services! Read more
2022 HKUST Info Day -- Creative Media Zone @ libarary Read more